Flexible Workforce

PurePro lets you seamlessly pay workers with a variety of statuses: UK PAYE, Contractors, IR35 Off Payroll, CIS, 2nd Tier Agencies and Umbrella Companies. Automation ensures that each worker is processed in line with the legislation that applies to them.

Easy to Use

PurePro has a quick and response web interface with simple workflows that guide you through the process.

Smart Automation

PurePro’s advanced automation logic handles timesheet processing automatically wherever needed to greatly reduce the work needed to get the job done leaving you to focus on managing by exception.

Well Connected

PurePro integrates with the other systems you use from CRM & VMS through to payments, accounts and pensions. In addition, the PurePro API provides the ability to build your own integrations to read and write any data you need to improve the flow of your data.

Architecture and Security

PurePro has a modern serverless cloud architecture requiring no local infrastructure. Auto scaling ensures performance is matched to peaks of demand. Engineered for minimal downtime and high resilience.


PurePro has been designed to manage your billing requirements whether simple or complex. Workflows separate the quick and simple invoices so you can get them out of the door fast, leaving time to deal with the more complex ones. We support frequencies, break levels, backing data reports, on-cost calculations and more to deal with your complex billing needs.

PAYE Payroll

PurePro offers everything you need in a modern temp payroll: multiple frequencies, RTI integration, support for pension autoenrollment, holiday accrual, stat pay and court orders - all designed for minimum manual input.

Contractor Payments

PurePro has everything you need for compliant automated contractor processing including workflows for matching contractor invoices, self-billing, VAT number verification to CIS and Off Payroll workers. Apply payment terms or pay when paid where applicable.

Reporting & BI

PurePro’s standard reporting outputs cover everything you need for monitoring, reconciliation and reporting your operational performance to the business. Real-time analytical reporting is built into the user home page for easy reference.


PurePro’s validation business logic lets you manage by exception, ensuring compliance where you need it in areas such as NMW, AWR, WTR, IR35, EIR, RTI and GDPR.